Relation between flow battery and Zinc
- Zinc has high energy density.
- Zinc is an inexpensive material.
- Power density can be increase using super capacitor.
- Higher safety (In the event of short, oxygen flow is automatically stop)
- Recycle capability.
Relation between flow battery and Proposed Technology
- Kw/h cost almost similar as flow battery.
- This technology needs less maintain and less parts compare with flow battery.
- This technology can convert to 100% Zinc flow battery.
- Liquid KOH using for this technology and ZnO convert back into Zn.
- I have technology to produce high conductive Nano fluids.
High conductive Nano fluids
Advantages of Nanofluids for this Technology
- Increase the conductivity of the anode and cathode.
- Two different colors can use for anode and cathode.
- Using this mechanism we can maintain internal resistance of the each cells.
- This helps to reduce the individual cell damagers.
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