Energy storage devices are passive systems with no moving parts. Lithium battery technology is the most popular and widely used technology due to its high power and energy density. Commercial lithium-ion battery cells are available in mainly three formats such as cylindrical metal can, prismatic metal can, and flexible packaging. Flexible packing known as pouch cells is the most safety format compare with a cylindrical and prismatic metal can.
Due to the high demand for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Lithium battery demand also increases every year. However, still, this technology is not feasible to use for renewable energy applications due to high production costs and maintenance.
Therefore, I developed cost-effective silicon battery technology without using lithium or lithium-based electrolyte.
Background of the technology
Due to global warming, the world is moving towards to renewable energy sector. Solar power is the most widely using renewable energy source around the world. This system can absorb solar energy max.6 hours per day and transfer the electrical energy to the national grid using a tie grid inverter. Tie grid inverter system is the most feasible method for solar system and payback period for the system would be less than 5 years. More than 70% of solar consumers are using this system based on financial benefits. This is the main reason that off-grid solar systems are not popular as tie grid systems.
Between 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm, the electricity demand is increasing and without thermal power plants, it’s impossible to deliver the demanding output. Therefore, peak hours create high environmental pollution.
The development of this cost-effective silicon battery technology would be one of the solutions for grid energy storage systems. The manufacturing process is cost-effective, Aluminum and copper are using as current collectors.
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